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Dr. Fazia Ghaffar
Dr. Zahid Mehmood
Sania Aziz Dar


Lignocellulosic substrates, Oyster mushroom of pleurotus ostreatus (PO), Biological Efficiency, Morphological properties, Nutritional composition


Introduction: Pakistan’s economy is mainly dependent on agriculture. Edible fungi act as natural recyclers by converting lignocellulosic wastes into protein and other nutrient rich foods. Nature has gifted Pakistan with varied climatic conditions suitable for the cultivation of edible of mushrooms. The climatic degradation caused by agro-based and industrial wastes are a challenge that is making Pakistan among the top most countries affected by climate change globally. By reducing the agro-based waste on one hand and the production of nutritious food on the other are the most cost-effective solutions to address both of the problems.

Objectives: (1) To assess the effects of two lignocellulosic substrate on the morphological and biological efficiency of Oyster mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus). (2) To analyze the impacts of growth mediums nutritional composition of pleurotus ostreatus (PO).

Methodology: An edible mushroom pleurotus ostreatus (PO) was cultivated on paddy straw and wheat straw without addition of any nutrient supplement. Both commercial spawn and mother spawn were used to grow mushrooms on both the substrates i. e. wheat straw and paddy straw and the results were compared.  Efficiency, weight and average yield of mushrooms grown on wheat straw and paddy straw were determined. The proximate composition and the mineral composition of the cultivated mushrooms were also determined as per standard procedures.

Results: The mother spawn yielded greater efficiency (70%), and average yield(3500g) than the commercial spawn on wheat straw as compared to paddy straw. The moisture (43.07%), ash (2.498%), sodium (1.32%) and calcium (29.33%) content were greater in mushrooms grown on paddy straw than wheat straw while the protein (18.48%), fiber (1.33%), fat (1.42%), iron (33.43%), magnesium (11.80%) content was observed to be greater in mushrooms grown on wheat straw than paddy straw. Copper and zinc content was same in both cases (0.1%, 1.00%).

Conclusion: This study concludes that wheat straw yielded better results when used with mother spawns while there was no significant difference in the commercial spawns. Nutritional composition was less affected by substrate variations indicating the best utilization of both the wheat straw and paddy straw as growth mediums for the cultivation of pleurotus ostreatus (PO).

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