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Dr. Anantkumar V. Shekokar
Dr. Kanchan M. Borkar


Ayurveda basic concept, Rasayana therapy, Panchakarama, Chikitsa Chatuspada


Ayurveda is the oldest literature of medicine system to stabilized healthy life and also to normalized the disease condition. Diseases which are observed improperly by health professionals, which have not been well described by patient, which have not been examined thoroughly with proper investigation and correct diagnosis may confuse to health professionals. Health or sickness depends on the presence or absence of a balanced state of the total body matrix including the balance between its different constituents. Both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors can cause disturbance in the natural equilibrium giving rise to disease.   To understand Ayurvedic medicine it would be necessary to first understand the origin, basic concept and principles of Ayurveda.  Without an Ayurvedic diagnosis it is difficult for an Ayurvedic health professionals to visualized a complete ayurvedic treatment. As a basic principles of ayurveda treatment, eradication of etiological factors are mandatory which support to cure the disease with maintenance of health, to prevent the recurrence of disease. The  Ayurveda treatment consists of restoring the balance of disturbed body-mind matrix through regulating diet, correcting life-routine and behavior, administration of drugs and resorting to preventive Panchakarma and Rasayana therapy.

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