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Amna Begum
Arifa Jabeen
Tasneem kousar
Israr Ali khan


Frequency, Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Teenage Pregnancy


Background: One of the most prevalent public health issues in the world is high blood pressure in pregnancy, which complicates 6 to 8% of pregnancies.

Objective: Frequency of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in Teenage Pregnancy

Methodology: This descriptive case cross sectional study was carried out at Pir Sayed Abdul Qadir Shah jilani institute of medical sciences Gambat. The duration of our study was six months from March 2019 to August 2019. On pre-made Performa, information on the woman and the gestational age was collected from each patient. Data entry and analysis were carried out using SPSS version 17.

Results: In the current study, totally 120 pregnant women were enrolled. The pregnancy induced hypertension was observed in 19 (15.83%) amongst women who were involved in study.

Conclusion: Our study concludes that frequency of pregnancy induced is high amongst teenage. In Pakistan, efforts must be made to ensure that the rule against young marriage is strictly enforced.

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