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Obstructive sleep apnea, Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy, Video Laryngoscopy, Polysomnography.
OBJECTIVE: To study anatomical upper airway obstruction in Obstructive sleep Apnea patients using Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy and Video laryngoscopy.
In recent years, it has been observed that Obstructive sleep apnea is amongst one of the disorders with rising prevalence ranging from 9 to 38%. This study aimed to study the anatomical upper airway obstruction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
To assess the risk factors for Obstructive sleep apnea patients in the study population.
To assess severity of OSA in the study population.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 50 confirmed cases with the signs and symptoms suggestive of anatomical upper airway obstruction coming to the Department of ENT, Maharaja Yashwantrao Holkar Hospital, Indore, were selected. After observing required symptoms, patients were evaluated for risk factors. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and Video laryngoscopy was done.
RESULTS: In our study, 76% (n=38) of the total patients were categorized as OSA group. Snoring was found in 66%(n=33) of the cases. Mouth breathing found in 64% (n=32) of the cases. Difficulty in breathing at night was found in 78%. BMI of more than 30 was found in 72%. Neck circumference of more than 17 inches was found in 48%. In this study, 68% (n=34) population were hypertensive, and 62% (n=31) patients had diabetes.
CONCLUSION: Obstruction at certain anatomical levels contributes towards obstructive sleep apnea severity. Multi-level obstruction is more prevalent in obstructive sleep apnea and is associated with increased severity. Risk factors increases the index of suspicion and encourage physicians to embark on a diagnostic path to investigate possible OSA.
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