Work-Family Balance, Psychological Well-Being, and Job Satisfaction in Freelancers

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Amna Ashari
Amber Baseer
Shagufta Shaheen


Psychological well-being, Freelancing, Work-life balance, Job satisfaction, Freelancer


The present study aimed to examine the work-family balance, psychological well-being, and job satisfaction in freelancers. The Entire sample consisted of 301 freelancers, recruited through convenience sampling. Cross sectional research design was used for investigation. Research instruments used in the current study were Satisfaction with Work-Family Balance (SWB), General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), and Overall Job Satisfaction Scale (OJS). Findings of the correlation highlighted a significant correlation between work-family balance, psychological well-being, and job satisfaction. It was revealed that no significant difference exists in the level of job satisfaction in female and male freelancers. Working hours significantly affected the job satisfaction in freelancers and the results disclosed that freelancers working for 4-5 hours were more satisfied with their freelance work than the other two groups. Furthermore, it was found that job satisfaction is predicted by both psychological wellbeing and job satisfaction in freelancers. It was also found that psychological wellbeing also mediates the relationship between work family balance and job satisfaction. This study offers a comprehensive view of how these three variables are interconnected.

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