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Dineshwori Chanu Paonam
Dr. Lovesampuranjot Kaur Dhaliwal


ginger tea , nausea and vomiting, early pregnancy, primi antenatal mothers


Background: Morning sickness, also known as nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, is a common ailment. It affects roughly 70% of pregnancies and usually starts around 6 weeks of pregnancy and lasts for weeks or months. Symptoms usually improve during the second trimester (weeks 13 to 27; the middle 3 months of pregnancy). Morning sickness, on the other hand, affects a small number of women throughout their pregnancy. Morning sickness causes most women to feel nauseous for a short period of time each day and to vomit once or twice.


Methods: The study's design was quantitative research approach in nature. The study employed a nonequivalent control group research design. The target population was 40 primi antenatal mothers who are attending OPD. Participants were selected using purposive sampling technique to get a sample size of 40 primi antenatal mothers who are attending antenatal OPD. To gather primary data for this project, Modified Rhodes Index of Nausea, Vomiting and Retching by Rhodes VA were used.


Results: The findings shows that there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores on treatment of nausea and vomiting among primi antenatal mothers in experimental group at 0.05 level compared to the control group. The overall combined mean post test score of experimental and control group are 6.10% and 21.50% and t’ value was 10.50 which was significant at 0.05 level, which indicates ginger tea is effective in reduction of nausea but less effective in reducing vomiting.


Conclusion: From the statistical analysis it was clear that there was significant reduction in the nausea level of primi antenatal mothers after administration of ginger tea. From this it can be concluded that ginger tea was effective in treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. 

Abstract 174 | PDF Downloads 38


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