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Hina Tariq
Ikramuddin Ujjan
Tahir Sultan Shamsi


Iron Deficiency Anemia, Reticulocyte, Subpopulations, Immature Reticulocyte Fraction, Fluorescence Ratio


Rationale: In addition to offering increased precision and accuracy, automated reticulocyte counts
use flow cytometry to reliably assess mRNA content and cellular indices such as volume, Hb
concentration, and content. Novel reticulocyte metrics have been employed in the identification and
treatment of anemias. Studies on the clinical use of these unique metrics, the value of reporting such
numbers, and their interpretation have been spurred by their discovery.
Objective: This research aims to analyze reticulocyte subpopulations and immature reticulocyte
fractions in iron deficient patients.
Methodology: The present study included 288 subjects, divided into two groups: control subjects (n
= 150), and subjects with iron deficiency anemia (n = 138). The results were analyzed by Student’s
t- test for comparison of means. The correlational analysis was performed to evaluate a relationship
between various parameters and presence/absence of iron deficiency anemia Differences were
considered significant when the two-tailed p-value was < 0.05.
Results: Patients with Iron deficiency anemia had significantly elevated levels of IRF, MFR, and
HFR but decreased LFR in comparison to the controls. MCV had a high positive correlation
(r=0.895) with the presence of iron deficiency anemia.
Conclusion: The reticulocyte immaturity indices are higher in the presence of iron deficit,
indicating a lack of the essential components needed for the production of hemoglobin. As a result,
these reticulocyte immaturity indices may be used as early indicators of anemia and iron deficit.
These indices must be standardized in order to be used in laboratory tests and clinical practice. 

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