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Dr. Gaikwad S.L.
Dr. Gode P.R.
Dr. Bagate A.N.
Dr. Kamble N. G.


Prostate cancer, Histopathology, BPH


Background: The prostate, a vital component of the male reproductive system enveloping the urethra, is susceptible to several prevalent conditions such as inflammatory lesions, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer. Our study aimed to analyse diverse histopathological patterns associated with prostatic lesions, thereby elucidating their intricate pathology and clinical significance.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Department of Pathology, Swami Ramanand Teerth Rural Government medical college, Ambajogai, Maharashtra, India. over an 18-month period focused on analysing histopathological patterns of prostatic lesions. The gross specimens were in the form of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). The histopathological procedure involved fixation, staining, and examination for cellular characteristics using 10% formalin, alcohol, xylol, haematoxylin, eosin, and DPX mounting medium, along with surgical tools. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics Version 25.

Results:  The Present study included 25 TURP specimens, 84% showed benign lesions, while 16% were malignant. Average age of the patients was 61.96 ± 7.8 years. Gleason's scoring revealed a predominance of scores 7 and 8 in malignant cases. Adenocarcinoma constituted 16% of diagnoses, The majority of cases (60%) were diagnosed with BPH with chronic prostatitis and 24% were BPH without prostatitis.

Conclusion: The study highlights the prevalence of benign lesions in prostatic specimens obtained through transurethral resection, with a notable incidence of adenocarcinoma. The predominance of Gleason scores 7 and 8 underscores the importance of accurate histopathological analysis in diagnosing and managing prostate cancer.

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