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Bhattacharyya S, Kurian V
Dr Saptarshi Bhattacharyya
Dr Vignesh Kurian




We set out to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of intravenous (i.v.) paracetamol in comparison to other methods. ibuprofen for the management of premature neonates with hemodialysis-significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA). This research held on infants between the ages of 20 and 35 weeks were randomly assigned to undergo intravenous treatment either intravenous (IV) paracetamol 12 mg/kg/6 h for three days or 8-4-4 mg/kg/day of ibuprofen. The main result was the percentage of hsPDA  following the initial course of therapy with ibuprofen or paracetamol. The necessity for surgical closure, the re-opening rate, and the constriction rate of hsPDA were among the secondary results. Ibuprofen was given to 96 newborns and paracetamol to 114 infants. Logistic regression analysis indicated that while ibuprofen was more successful in closing hsPDA than paracetamol ( P = 0.037), the ductus constriction rate was equal ( P = 0.242). Similarities also existed in the rate of reopening, the requirement for surgical closure, and the incidence of side effects. Although ibuprofen was more efficient than intravenous paracetamol in closing hsPDA, the use of paracetamol was linked to the same hsPDA result because of a similar constriction effect. The first-choice medication for the treatment of hsPDA is paracetamol.

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