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Julián Andrés Gaitán Reyes
Alexander Correa Reyes
José Alejandro Vera Calderón


Consumer law, artificial intelligence, medical errors, medical civil liability, surgical robots.


This study aims to analyze the technological disruption caused by the integration of robotics in the field of medicine, as well as its legal implications in the Colombian legal context, focusing on civil liability. The question arises as to whether the current regulations of the Civil Code, Consumer Law, and Insurance Law adequately guarantee the right to full reparation for users affected by the use of this technology, or whether it is necessary to establish new regulations that address the ethical and legal challenges arising from the implementation of robotics in medical practice.

A documentary-type methodological design was proposed, using analytical and comparative law methods through the collection of a non-probabilistic sample of systematic information. This approach led to an exhaustive analysis of empirical research on the errors derived from surgical robotics.

To this end, it addresses the concept of health as a fundamental right, the impact of technological advances in the provision of medical services, as well as an exploration of the applications of robotic technology in medicine. It examines the possible medical errors associated with robotics and analyzes medical civil liability in the Colombian context regarding the use of intelligent robots in clinical practice. This research aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the legal and ethical implications derived from the convergence between robotics and medicine, with the purpose of creating the regulatory framework that guarantees the protection of patient's rights and safety in the provision of health services assisted by robotic technology in Colombia.

In conclusion, the integration of robotics in medicine offers significant advances but also poses challenges in terms of civil liability. Although the Colombian legal framework appears to be prepared to address the use of surgical robots, the lack of specific regulations underscores the need to reflect on measures to ensure the safety and protection of patients.

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