Dr E. Keith Borden: Inaugural president of the Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics

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Nigel S. B. Rawson
Roy West




Dr E. Keith Borden passed away in Simcoe, Ontario, on July 17, 2019 at the age of 87.1 He played a foundational role in the establishment of the Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics (CAPT).
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1. Dr. E Keith Borden. Simcoe Reformer, July 19, 2019. https://simcoereformer.remembering.ca/obituary/dr-e-keith-borden-1075783118.

2. Borden EK, Lee JG. A methodologic study of post-marketing drug evaluation using a pharmacy-based approach. J Chronic Dis 1982;35:803–16.

3. Rawson NSB. Drug safety: problems, pitfalls and solutions in identifying and evaluating risk. Victoria: Friesen Press, 2016.

4. Gardner JS, Baker MI, Borden EK. Postmarketing surveillance in Canadian pharmacies. Can Pharmaceut J 1984;117:57–9.

5. Willison D, Gaebel KA, Borden EK, et al. Experience in the development of a postmarketing surveillance network: the Pharmacy Medication Monitoring Program. Ann Pharmacother 1995;29:1208–13.

6. Borden EK, Gardner JS, Westland MM, Gardner SD. Postmarketing drug surveillance. JAMA 1984;251:729.

7. West R, Borden EK, Collet JP, Rawson NSB, Tonks RS. “Cost-effectiveness” estimates result in flawed decision-making in listing drugs for reimbursement. Can J Public Health 2002;93:421–5.

8. West R, Borden EK, Collet JP, Rawson NSB, Tonks RS. Need for an improved submission process for listing drugs for reimbursement in Canadian provinces. Can J Clin Pharmacol 2003;10:207–10.

9. Borden EK. Post-marketing surveillance: drug epidemiology. J Int Med Res 1981;9:401-7.

10. The Belmont Report. Rockville, MD: Office for Human Research Protections, 2018. https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/belmont-report/read-the-belmont-report/index.html.