Embedment of the gastroduodenal artery stump into the jejunal serosa: A new technique aiming to prevent post-pancreatectomy hemorrhage

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Serafeim Klimopoulos
Alexandra Charakopoulou
Athanasios Pantelis
Konstantinos Bouchagier https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3291-3619


pancreatic cancer, pancreaticoduodenectomy, post-pancreatectomy hemorrhage, gastroduodenal artery, pseudoaneurysm


Post-pancreaticoduodenectomy hemorrhage has an estimated incidence of 5% and a mortality rate of 11–38%. Vascular erosion resulting from pancreatic leak and skeletonization of the arterial wall during pancreatic mobilization may be the two possible mechanisms responsible for this complication, which most commonly affects the gastroduodenal artery stump. A novel technique of wrapping up the gastroduodenal artery stump into the jejunal serosa to decrease postoperative hemorrhage is presented.
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