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Dr Sonia Aslam
Dr.Muhammad Ali Khan
Dr.Muneeza Naveed
Haneef ubed
Dr Syeda Afshan Jamal
Rimsha Hanif


Dental erosion, prevention, control, clinic practice, mixed-methods, treatment results, dental professionals, spss analysis, dental professional.


Objective: The target of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical practices in the prevention and control of dental erosion. The research analyzed the prevalence of dental erosion, the strategies employed by dental experts for its management, and the outcomes of these interventions in a clinical setting.
Methodology: A cross-sectional examination design was utilized in this research. The sample comprised 150 dental experts from various specialties, including general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and periodontics. Participants were selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected through structured surveys, semi-structured interviews, and case studies. The research utilized the dental erosion scale to classify erosion severity, ranging from initial enamel changes (grade 1) to severe dentine exposure (grade 4). Quantitative data analysis was performed using spss software, while qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Results:Independent t-tests, correlation, and multiple regression analysis were conducted to test the hypotheses. Independent t-tests showed significant differences in the prevalence and management of dental erosion among different specialties (t = -2.45, p = .02). Correlation analysis revealed a significant negative relationship between the use of preventive measures and the severity of dental erosion (r = -0.32, p < .05), and a significant positive relationship between continuous professional education and the effectiveness of erosion control measures (r = 0.41, p < .01). Regression analysis showed that the use of fluoride treatments and protective sealants were significant predictors of reduced erosion severity (β = -0.35, t = 3.76, p < .001, r² = .12).
Conclusion: The research aimed to assess the effectiveness of professional dental practices in preventing and controlling dental erosion. The findings revealed that continuous professional education and the use of fluoride treatments and protective sealants significantly reduce the severity of dental erosion. The research concludes that comprehensive preventive measures, early intervention, and ongoing education for dental professionals are essential for the successful management of dental erosion. This examination highlights the need for tailored interventions and cost-effective treatment strategies to improve patient compliance and outcomes
Abstract 200 | PDF Downloads 57


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