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Santander José De La Ossa Guerra
Jhon Jairo Feria Diaz
Boris A. Medina Salgado


Organizational theory, project management, business model, organizational performance, business strategy


The objective of this paper was to analyze: 1) how project management relates to the field of organizational theory, 2) how the relationship between project management with the organizational performance and the business model has been studied, and 3) how the relationship between the business model and organizational performance has been studied.  A narrative-type literature review was chosen for the methodology. As a result, it was possible to demonstrate that: 1) project management has a conceptual and empirical relationship with business strategy, 2) the relationship between project management and organizational performance has been analyzed in the context of the framework of competing values model and balanced scorecard, 3) the relationship between project management and business model has been analyzed within the framework of entrepreneurship theory and the strategic theory of resource-based vision, and 4) the relationship between the business model and organizational performance has been analyzed within the framework of the economic approach.

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