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Hamna Baber


Generational gap, wellbeing, older adults, mental health, social relationships, communication, technology, coping strategies, intergenerational harmony


In today's culture, which is continually changing, the generational gap has grown more noticeable. This study explores the complex effects of the generational divide on older individuals' wellbeing. The study investigates how differences in viewpoints and lifestyles between older persons and younger generations impact many aspects of wellness, including mental health, interpersonal relationships, and self-image.

A sample of six people (3 males, 3 females) were taken and qualitative method was used in this study. The results were extracted through Thematic Analysis.

The findings emphasize detrimental effects of the gap's impact, demonstrating its complex nature. The findings suggest that older persons endure emotions of loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem as a result of their difficulty comprehending and relating to younger generations, which is made worse by the widespread use of technological advances.

In conclusion, this study offers important new understandings into the intricate relationship between older persons' wellbeing and generational dynamics. The study fosters a deeper awareness of how society may work to promote a more welcoming and positive environment for people of all ages by highlighting the opportunities and difficulties posed by the generational divide.



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