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Dr Noor Ul Ain
Dr Asad Zamir
Dr Abbas Ilyas
Dr Aakif Ullah
Dr Sana Ullah
Dr Imran Farooq



Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS), is a rare entity originating from reticular dendritic origin. Dendritic cells are non-lymphoid accessory immune cells which help in captivating and displaying antigens to T & B cells. There are four types of dendritic cells. (a) Follicular dendritic cells (b) Interdigitating dendritic cells. (c) Langerhans cells (d) Fibroblastic cells. It resembles other lymph proliferative disorders especially in view of clinical was first reported in 1986 by Monda et al.1 FDCS is characterized as intra-nodal or extra-nodal. Extra-nodal sites include oropharynx, parapharyngeal space, thyroid, neck soft tissue, kidney, axial skeleton, liver and intraabdominal tumors.2,. FDCS  diagnosis is challenging as approximately 50% of cases are misdiagnosed as undifferentiated  carcinomas.Histopathologically , these malignancies are characterized  by ovoid, polygonal, and spindle shaped cells arranged in awhorling-type stori-form pattern with admixed lymphocytes.10 further complicating the issue, fine needle aspirates and biopsies contain necrotic or reactive lymphoid tissue, making the diagnosis more challenging.FDCS is considered to be low grade neoplasm with majority of patients surviving up to 10 years and beyond in most published reports.2.We report a case of 50 year old male having FDCS of neck ,its presentation, management and outcome of treatment.

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1) Mond L, Warnke R, Rosai J.A primary lymph node malignancy with features suggestive of dendritic reticulum cell differentiation: a report of four cases Amj pathol 1986;122: 562-720
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5) John pang, Wojciech K. Mydlarz, Zhen Gooi, et al follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the head and neck: case report, literature review, and pooled analysis of 97 cases.Head Neck .2016 april; 38 (suppl 1): E 2241-E2249.doi.10.1002/hed.24115.
6) Chera BS,Orlando C, Villaret DB,Mendenhall WM.Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the head and neck: Case report and literature review.Laryngoscope 2008;118(9)1607-12
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8) Shia J, Chen W,TangLH,Carison DL, Qin J,Guillen JG,et al.Extranodal follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: Clinical, pathological and histiogenetic characteristic of an unrecognized disease entity.Virchows Arch 2006;449:148-58.Epub 2006 Jun 7.

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