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Khalid Naseem Khan
Hira Amin
Rizwan Ullah
Ayesha Fareed
Aimen Farid
Aitsam Ullah Shah


Risk factors, Fetomaternal Outcome, Pregnant Women, Peripartum Cardiomyopathy


Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the Risk factors and Fetomaternal Outcome in Pregnant Women with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

Methodology: The current cross sectional study was carried out from December 2022 to May 2023 at the Department of Cardiology Khalifa Gul Nawaz Teaching Hospital MTI Bannu and Peshawar institute of cardiology Peshawar after taking approval from the ethical committee of the institute. After obtaining informed permission, women with peripartum cardiomyopathy diagnoses, regardless of age or parity, were included. Women having a history of anemia or valvular heart disease were excluded from the study.SPSS version 20 was uses for the data analysis. For quantitative variables mean and standard deviation were computed. For qualitative variables percentages and frequency were evaluated.

Results: In the current study a total of 66 pregnant women diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy were enrolled. The most prevalent age group of the study participants were from 31 to 35 years (45.45%). Majority of the individuals 41(62.12%) offered at <37 weeks (preterm) gestation. the frequency of primigravidain were (18.18%). Almost 1/3 of the participants 24(36.36) had two to four children. A parity of greater than 4 was evaluated in 30(45.45%) women. 49(74.2%) individuals had Pre-eclampsia while (27.27%) had chronic hypertension. (93.93%) individuals had singleton pregnancy and twin pregnancy was detected in 4(6.0%) participants. A total of   (75.7%) women had done  cesarean section due to heart failure and pulmonary edema and 16(24.2%) had spontaneous vaginal delivery. 54(81.8%) babies were born alive and 12(18.18% were intrauterine death. Due to various factors there were 16(24.24%) maternal death occurred.

Conclusion: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a sporadic but severe disorder of unidentified origin that affects women of childbearing age. Risk factors evaluated were advanced age, Pre-eclampsia and chronic hypertension. 24% maternal and 18.18 % fetus death explored in the current study.

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