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Compression, Intracisternal component, Trigeminal nerve, Trigeminal Neuralgia
Background: To evaluate the outcome of an innovative surgical approach i-e compression technique of trigeminal nerve at the intra- cisternal part of the nerve for relief of trigeminal neuralgia pain.
Methods: This observational study was conducted in Hayatabad Medical Complex and Lady Reading hospital Peshawar from Jun 2014 to Jun 2019. After Ethical Committee permission all cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia operated via TGNC Technique were studied and followed Post operatively for maximum 1 year.
Results: During our study period 40 patients were operated. There were 25 (62.5%) female & 15(37.5%) male patient with male to female ratio of 3:5. The patients ages were in the range of 34 to 84 years with mean of 54.76 ± 9.6 SD. Majority of the patients were complaining of pain in the right side of the face having frequency of 33 (82.5%) and both V2, V3 were involved in the facial pain with greatest proportion almost frequency of 16 (40%). Total 38 patients were completely pain free at 1year post op. However 2 patients presented with recurrent pain in the same area and same side of the face.
Conclusion: Compression of intra-cisternal component of trigeminal nerve for trigeminal neuralgia is the safe and effective procedure and potentially alternative to MVD procedure or at least the only gold standard option in cases where no significant vascular loop conflict is found .It has the potential to be performed endoscopically via single bur hole in the near future .
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