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Rafia Tabassum
Ayesha Aihetasham
Ansar Zubair
Salma Ashraf


Calotropis gigantea, Morus alba, Heterotermes indicola, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry


The present study was designed to determine the chemical constituents of leaf extracts from two medicinal plant species Morus alba and Calotropis gigantea against Heterotermes indicola under laboratory conditions. A no-choice bioassay technique using impregnated filter paper was applied. The extracts of leaves of selected plants were obtained in ethanol solvent by using a soxhlet apparatus. A laboratory bioassay was used to investigate the biological activity of leaf extracts against H. indicola. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to characterize leaf extracts, and chemical profiles for extracts from each plant species were obtained. In GC-MS analysis of M. alba, twelve compounds were identified in which Phytol, Squalene, Vitamin E, and Ergost-8-en-3-ol, 14-methyl-, (3β,5α) were the main compounds. γ-Sitosterol, Octacosanol, and Nonadcane were the main chemical components obtained from C. gigantea. Results showed that extracts of C. gigantea exhibited antitermitic activity in a dose-dependent manner and showed significant activity. The LC50 values of M. alba and C. gigantea were 18.48% and 11.30%, respectively, and LC90 values of these extracts against H. indicola were 34.85% and 23.13%, respectively. Gas Chromatography components identified by Mass Chromatography (GC MS) may be further investigated for their antitermitic activity against different termite pest species in Pakistan.

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