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Usama Siddique
Bakhtyar Ali Shah


Issues, Challenges, Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Nursing Examiners


Introduction: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as a method of assessment for psycho-motor and other domains, is frequently used in nursing education around the world, however is rarely used in Pakistan for undergraduate nursing programs. Nursing faculty faces challenges not in deciding if Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is effective for assessing students' clinical competence, but in overcoming obstacles to actually using it.

 Objectives: The aim of the study is to explore the Issues and Challenges Faced by Nurse Examiners during the Conduct of Objective Structure Clinical/Practical Examination at Nursing Colleges of KPK. 

Methodology: A phenomenological research study was carried out in Khyber Pukhtankhwa. Overall, 16 participants were included in the study following data saturation. Data were collected from nursing educators who were enrolled in clinical examination and carried out OSCEs of the nursing students. Data were collected using an approved study guide. Purposive sampling technique was used and consents were taken from all the participants before collection of the data. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

Results: The majority (56.25%) age group belongs to 36 to 40 years. 62.5% of the participants were female and 68.75% had BSN/Post RN degrees. Overall, three themes were extracted from eleven categories. These themes were time constraints, lack of trained examiners and Technical and educational infrastructure. Conclusion: The findings of the study revealed that nursing educators experience various issues and challenges while conducting the OSCE. They experienced issues related to time, equipment, trained faculty, Technical and educational infrastructure and well-equipped nursing labs.

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