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includes Sciatica, Mulligan spinal mobilization with leg movement, Kinesiology taping.
Background: Mulligan spinal mobilization with leg movement (SMWLM) along with kinesiology taping performed at the patients to treat sciatica. The objective of this study to check the effects of Mulligan Spinal mobilization with leg movement (SMWLM) with and without kinesiology taping on radicular pain, Lumbar range of motion (Flexion/Extension), functional disability, and gait parameters in patients with sciatica.
Material and methodology: This Randomized clinical trial is conducted in the Department of Physiotherapy, National Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan. Using a list of inclusion and exclusion requirements, 44 participants were selected through Non-probability purposive sampling technique. These participants were arbitrarily allotted into 2 groups. Group A: Hot-pack + Mulligan mobilization + Kinesiology taping technique Group B: Hot-pack + Mulligan mobilization. An electric heat pack was applied to the back area to both groups as the starting treatment for 20 minutes.
Results: The HOT-PACK and Mulligan mobilization technique (Group B) showed statistically significant effects on a number of measures pertaining to upper limb position, stance phase, swing phase, RVGA, pain, disability, and range of motion.
The HOT-PACK and Mulligan mobilization technique (Group B) showed statistically significant effects on a number of measures pertaining to upper limb position, stance phase, swing phase, RVGA, pain, disability, and range of motion.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the findings show that the Mulligan mobilization technique and HOTPACK (Group B) had favorable impacts on a number of factors relating to movement quality, discomfort, disability, and range of motion. However, it is important to note that other variables did not exhibit meaningful gains, indicating potential restrictions or unpredictability in the technique's efficacy for those particular elements.
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