Careful Follow-Up of Patients with Hyaline Bone Disease: Roles of the Nutritionist, Radiologist, and Laboratory Technician According to Approved Medical Protocols.

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Mansour Saleh Alduhami (1), Abdullah Sulaiman Almuzaini (2), Mohammed Saleh Alduhami (3), Khalid Saleh Alduhami (4), Hamza Soliman Alghufily (5), Abdulsalam Saleh Alduhami (6)


Hyaline bone disease, Osteogenesis imperfecta, Follow-up, Nutritionist, Radiologist, Laboratory technician, Medical protocol.


Hyaline bone disease (HBD), also known as osteogenesis imperfecta, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by brittle bones and skeletal abnormalities. Its complex pathophysiology and variable clinical presentation pose significant challenges in patient management. Timely and meticulous follow-up is crucial for optimizing patient outcomes and ensuring comprehensive care.

Methods: This research paper outlines the roles of key healthcare professionals, including nutritionists, radiologists, and laboratory technicians, in the careful follow-up of patients with HBD based on approved medical protocols. The paper reviews relevant literature, guidelines, and resources to delineate the responsibilities of each healthcare professional in managing HBD effectively.

Results: The paper highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals involved in HBD management. It emphasizes the significance of adhering to standardized protocols and guidelines to ensure consistent and evidence-based care for HBD patients. By outlining the roles of nutritionists, radiologists, and laboratory technicians, the paper provides insights into the comprehensive approach required for HBD follow-up.

Discussion: Interdisciplinary collaboration and adherence to approved medical protocols are essential components of effective HBD management. The discussion focuses on the implications of the roles outlined for nutritionists, radiologists, and laboratory technicians in optimizing patient outcomes. It underscores the importance of ongoing research and continuous quality improvement in advancing HBD management strategies. By working together and adhering to standardized protocols, healthcare professionals can enhance patient outcomes and improve the quality of care for individuals affected by HBD.

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