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Meziane Tani. A


periodontitis-cardiovascular disease-microbiological aspect


Introduction/Problem:Periodontitis, a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease, is one of the most widespread oral diseases. Source of numerous complications, general, including cardiovascular diseases with an “atherosclerotic” ischemic component.

So what are the different bacterial species that could be involved in this association ?

It is to answer this question that we have chosen to address this theme.

Objective :Describe the bacterial species associated with periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases.

Materials/Method :This was a cross-sectional descriptive study, carried out at the periodontology department -CHU Tlemcen-Algeria, for the period (June 1, 2018 - September 1, 2018).

Cardiovascular risk was determined via C-reactive ultra-sensitive protein (CRPus) by nephelometry.

Microbiological samples were taken from the periodontal pockets using sterile paper cones.

The identification was carried out by classic Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) at the laboratory level: Gene Life Sciences (Sidi Belabess-Algeria), Biofidal (Vaulx-en-Velin –France).

Results/Discussion :Our study enabled the enrollment of 19 patients and therefore obtained 19 samples (n=19).

Axial CRPus ranged between (0.20 – 9.45) mg/L with a mean of (2.0721 ± 0.61) mg/L.

A CRPus > 3 mg/L reflecting severe cardiovascular risk was found in fours participants.

Generalized stage IV periodontitis grade C was the most diagnosed (07 cases).

The following species were recorded:

Porphyromonas gingivalis, Parvimonas micra, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eubacterium nodatum, Treponema denticola  , Prevotella intermedia, Eikenella corrodens, Aggregatibacter actionomycetemcomitans.

The species listed in all patients at high cardiovascular risk were: Td, Pi, Pg, Fn, Tf, Aac: Td, Pi ,Pg ,Fn, Tf, Aac.

Conclusion /Recommandations :We hope that our modest results will encourage further studies, making it possible to flesh out the microbiological aspect of the association of periodontal disease and cardiovascular diseases as complex as it is relevant.

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