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Naval Kishor Pundeer
Rashika Badoni
Naina Mahar
Kritika Sain


Self-care needs, COPD, hygiene, Chest Physiotherapy


Aim - To assess the self-care needs of patients with COPD


A quantitative research approach with descriptive research design was used for the study. Total 100 participants were selected by purposive sampling technique. In the pulmonary OPD of Himalayan Hospital Jolly grant, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Data was collected by using self-structured questionnaire.


64% of the subjects had duration of illness was less than 5 years, majority of the subjects had not any other associated illness.


The study was concluded that 100% of patients maintain oral hygiene such as brushing teeth’s gargle, 100% of patients take adequate nutrition. Most of the subject’s 73 %were having cough, 66% had mucus sputum, 56 % had chest congestion, and 63 % subjects had Symptoms of fatigue. 

Keywords- Self-care needs, COPD, hygiene, Chest Physiotherapy

Abstract 219 | PDF Downloads 99


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