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K. Balamurugan


Amaranthus spinosus, serum biochemical parameters, female, hormone and tissue, biochemical parameters


Amaranthus spinosus a important medicinal plant have various pharmacological properties and found throughout India. The antifertility activity of the ethanolic extract of Amaranthus spinosus (ASE) was seen earlier and the haematological parameters after treatment in rats were not altered. The serum biochemical parameters in ASE treated rats revealed the levels of albumin, creatinine, GGT, LDH, SGOT, SGPT, urea, uric acid, total bilirubin and total protein were not altered significantly. The cholesterol level was very high and the results were found statistically significant when compared to control group animals. The female hormone levels were altered significantly and the thyroid hormone levels were not altered. In the investigation of tissue biochemical parameters the cholesterol, estrogen and progesterone level altered and subsequently there was reduction in the weights of reproductive organs. Results of tissue biochemical parameters study in the reproductive organ of ASE treated rats altered the protein, glycogen, sialic acid, cholesterol, ascorbic acid, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. In conclusion the ASE treated female rats indicate adverse effect on uterine milieu, making it unsuitable for implantation.

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