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Vineeta Gupta
Vishal Hansrajani
Abhay Kumar Gupta




Chronic suppurative otitis media is very common in developing countries and forms a major case load in otorhinolaryngology OPDs of hospital. We have done a study on bacteriological co-relation between discharge of ear and throat bacterial flora in normal throat or infected throat.

Study was done on 157 cases which had chronic suppurative otitis media and Gram’s staining as well as culture sensitivity was done to find out the organism.

Throat swabs were taken where 52 cases had complaint of throat infection and

102 cases had normal throat. Gram positive cocci was most common bacteria on Gram’s staining as well as on culture from ear swab and throat swab. Except in cases of Squamosal type of chronic suppurative otitis media where Gram negative bacilli like Pseudomonas and Klebsiella were common organism grown.

On establishing relationship statistically, study showed that there is significant relationship present in mucosal chronic suppurative otitis media and infected throat. While no relationship existed between mucosal chronic suppurative otitis media and normal throat bacterial flora.

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