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AIM AND OBJECTIVE- Single umbilical artery is a abnormal condition of the umbilical cord in which one artery is missing . To evaluation of risk factor and associated causes and associated various maternal and neonatal outcomes related to single umbilical artery.
METHOD AND MATERIAL- Women were their 2nd and 3 rd trimester, as well as their fetuses were selected regardless of age, ethinicity or socio-economic status.all recordes were reviewed to compare information on maternal complications, twinning,gestational age, birth weight, maternal age and congenital anomalies, pregnancy outcomes of cases were recorded. There was sample size 32 and study was a prospective observational study from sept. 2019to 30 sept 2022 in index medical college indore ,(m.P)
RESULT- There were 32 cases of SUA with and without established anomaly diagnosed antenatally. Gestational age ranged between 132-289 days. Median maternal age was 28 (19-36) years. Gravida was 1-3 . There were 20 pregnancies with premature rupture of membranes. Intrauterine cardiac anomaly in 2 fetuses, trisomy 13 in one case and another had trisomy 18 , and anencephhaly was present in 8 fetuses, cryptorchidism had 4 fetuses, hyopthyroidism were detected in 2 fetuses. 22 cases were delivered by normal vaginal delivery , 10 cases by caesarean section . 10 cases were diagnosed with oligohydramnios, 22 cases with polyhydramnios.
CONCLUTION- identifacation of single artery is important for prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies and aneupliody. According to our study finding , the risk of intrauterine growth restriction is increased and repeated ultrasound
examination with doppler assessment and testing for fetal wellbeing may be necessary in later week of gestation. Early intra partum surveillance with isolated single umbilical artery may improve pregnancy outcomes.
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