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Muhammad Sohaib Khan
Mian Sohail Adnan
Sher Alam Khan
Khawaja Bushra Noor
Aleena Anees
Maira Nazar


Prevalence, Immunization Status, Complications, Outcome, Measles


Background: The measles is an extremely infectious viral exanthema, caused by Morbilivirus belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae. Prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine, the disease caused millions of fatalities annually around the globe.

Objective: To determine the Prevalence of Immunization Status, Complications and Outcome in Children Admitted with Measles tertiary care hospital

Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at the department of Pediatrics, Combined Military Hospital, Abbottabad - Pakistan. The study duration was of six months from 1st January 2023 to 30th June 2023. A total of 340 patients of either sex from the ages of 3 months to 13 years who presented with measles or its complications were included. Detailed history and physical examination was done and findings entered in a proforma that had been prepared after thorough research of literature. Immunization status of the patients was checked by examining the National Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) card where available or parental enquiry if EPI card was not available. All the relevant investigations like complete blood count, serum electrolytes and X-ray chest were carried out besides history and clinical examination. Cerebrospinal fluid examination was done where needed. Data regarding age, sex, immunization status, nutritional status, complications and outcome was entered on MS Excel sheet and analyzed by using SPSS version 22 for windows.

Results: A total of 340 patients were admitted during the study period with measles and its complications. Male were 193 (56.76%) and 147 (43.24%) were female patients. Based on vaccination status, Complete vaccination against measles was present in 193 (56.76%) patients, 79 (23.24%) patients were Unvaccinated while partial vaccinated patients were 68 (20%). As expected predominantly pneumonia was the complication in 153 (45%) patients followed by and gastroenteritis in 72 (21.18%) patients While 88 (25.88%) patients had no complications. In terms of outcome, out of 340 patients 8 (2.35%) patients expired. Pneumonia was the leading cause of mortality. Majority of patients, 326 (95.88%) were discharged from Hospital within a week.

Conclusion: Our study concludes that a significant number of children are being admitted with measles in the hospitals of our country. A large number of patients developed the disease despite being vaccinated with two doses. Also, a large proportion was either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. Pneumonia and gastroenteritis are common complications with a high mortality.

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