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Ankle sprain, kinesio-tape, ice packs, strengthening exercise, Theraband
Background: -The most frequent lower limb injury among athletes is an ankle sprain. A general estimation that ankle injuries occurs about 1/10,000 times every day. A big part of sprains affects the lateral tissues.
Methodology :-30 subjects were included in the study , group A kinesiology tape with ice packs, group B strengthening exercise with ice packs, treatment ice packs with kinesiology tape is used to stabilize the joint for group A ,and group B strengthening exercise with ice packs were given , initially kinesio-tape were applied for 3 days a week and removed and ice packs were given to subjects for 15 minutes and again reapplied to the ankle joint kinesio-tape were applied for another 3 days a weeks for 30 days treatment protocol, 10 repetition strengthening exercise given ,total treatment period 35 minutes.
Result:-Kinesiology tapewith ice packs gives better result as compared to strengthening with ice packs ,Pain ,Swelling decreases ROM and strength Increases inversion ROM on the initial day i.e. 0 day was 8.7533 & on the follow up days i.e. 45thday the inversion range was found 28.60, planter flexion of the group A on the 0 day was13.2867 & on the follow up i.e.; 45th day the planter flexion also increases up to 43.72,Dorsiflexion of group A on the initial day i.e.;
0 day was 2.92 and after the follow up days i.e.; 45th day was 18.58. Significance P Value 0.001
Conclusion:- Pain decreases in both group, but the kinesio-tape with icepacks produce better result in comparison to strengthening exercise with ice packs, significance, P value 0.0001
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