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Dr. Nilamadhaba Prusty
Dr. Biswaranjan Prusty
Dr. Siddharth Panditray



Background: Chronic otitis media is a serious clinical condition characterized by an accumulation of fluid behind the tympanic membrane, while lacking the signs and symptoms of acute infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of oxidative stress and antioxidant situation on chronic otitis media (COM) with and without cholesteatoma.

Methodology: The study included a total of 75 cases of COM and further subcategorised based on cholesteatoma, 35 cases COM with cholesteatoma (20 females and 15 males) and 35 COM without cholesteatoma (16 females and 19 males). Serum specimens were taken prior to surgery and diseased tissue specimens from the ear were obtained during surgery from all patients. A proper audiometry testing was done. serum specimens were taken from every individual. The malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GHPx) were measured in the serum samples of the patient of COM with and without cholesteatoma. Vitamin A were determined by HPLC methodology.

Results: The patients in this study, who might be of either gender, ranged in age from 25 to 40. Patients with chronic otitis media were subdivided based on their cholesteatoma status, as well as the levels of different oxidative indicators and vitamin A. Table 1 displays information about each groups' age, gender, and BMI. Table 2 displays antioxidant enzymes as well as additional biochemical information for both groups.

Conclusion: The present study could help clarify the fundamental causes of the pathophysiology of COM. A finding of vitamin A does not show any direct role in occurrence of diseases but it shown significant difference in COM with and without cholesteatoma.

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