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Ali Jah Muhammad
Aqeel Ahmad Khan
Aamir Iqbal
Ahmed Ikram
Allah Ditta
Mazhar Abbas


oncology, health wellbeing, women, anxiety, depression


Background: Breast cancer patients feel extreme distress following their initial chemotherapy treatment. The study's goal was to examine the mood and quality of life of patients with breast cancer who have had chemotherapy for six months. Furthermore, the relationships between these patients' quality of life, mood, and coping style were studied.

Methods: The correlational research design was utilized, and 74 women were sampled at random to collect data. The mean age of the participants was (mean = 37.9). Data was collected by using functional assessment of cancer therapy, a profile of mood state and a coping style scale.

Results: Patients who had received intensive chemotherapy therapy reported decreases in their physical, emotional, and functional well-being. Similarly, patients who had received intensive treatment reported feeling fatigued and more exhausted but not anxious nor depressed. The majority of individuals who had comprehensive treatment found it beneficial. Reduced physical and emotional health, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and mood disturbances are all results of avoidant coping. Moreover, active coping was significantly associated with higher social well-being and quality of life, physician visits, and overall low mood disturbance among patients.

Conclusion: This study shows that chemotherapy significantly reduces the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing long-term treatment. However, the majority of patients still thought the treatment was worthwhile. Avoidant coping styles are a particular risk factor for poor quality of life and increased mood disturbance.

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