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Dr. S. Shanthosh Raj MDS
Dr. Anjana mounisamy MDS
Dr. Karthikayan Ravi MDS
Dr. Rohini MDS



Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) among school-going children are a significant concern that can impact oral health, overall well-being, and quality of life. Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) are predicted to be the fifth most common condition worldwide (1). The occurrence of dental injuries in a population can be defined by its prevalence and incidence. The prevalence of Traumatic Dental Injuries is widespread in the population and varies worldwide; it could be less in developed countries and more in developing and under developing countries. Indeed, most of the studies have reported Traumatic Dental Injuries prevalence as high as 15–30% in the permanent and in the primary dentitions (2). The prevalence of traumatic dental injuries among school children in different parts of the world varies from a low of 2.6%15 to a high of 43.8 %.15-16. The pooled prevalence of TDI in Indian population was 13 cases in 100 individuals. The prevalence of TDI for age groups of ≤6 was 15% (males, 15%; females, 16%) and for >6 years was 12% (males, 13%; females, 8%) (3).

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