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Dr Sonia Shagufta
Huma Alam


Barratt Impulsive Scale-11 Urdu Version, Confirmatory factor analysis, First-order factor model, Impulsivity, Second-order factor model, Unidimensional model


The Barratt Impulsiveness scale Version 11 (BIS-11; Patton at al., 1995) is considered a gold-standard measure to assess impulsivity and has been translated and validated in many languages, however psychometric research of the structure of BIS-11 Urdu Version is scant.  The main purpose of the current study was to assess the psychometric properties of Urdu version of BIS-11 by applying unidimensional model, six correlated first-order factor, three second-order factor and a bifactor model. Confirmatory factor analysis has been applied to the data collected from university students (N= 600). In the current study, attempts are made not only to assess the fit indices, but multilevel bifactor model was also applied to examine the dimensionality.  Empirical results revealed that a six-correlated first-order factor model is adequately fit to the data than unidimensional, three second-order factor and a bifactor model.

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