Sialic Acid in Diagnosis of Oral Malignancy & Premalignancy

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Dr Jinal K. Chavada, Dr Viral Bhatt, Dr Mamatha M.T. , Dr Rohan Thaker, Dr Priyanshi Parikh, Dr Honey Patel


Sialic Acid, Oral Malignancy, Premalignancy


Oral sqamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) an epithelial origin tumor has highest prevalence rate in India and is a former disease following precancerous conditions and lesions. Aim: To compare the sialic acid levels in blood and saliva of OSCC patients with Leukoplakia and Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis (OSMF) with normal health individual. Material and Methodology: The saliva and serum sample collected from patients and normal individual were analyzed biochemically using Yao et al method. Result: The sialic acid level hiked in OSCC and Premalignant group compared with controls. Conclusion: As the levels increased, the sialic acid can be used as diagnostic marker as well as prognostic marker post treatment. A larger study is required to be conducted for to check specificity of sialic acid as marker.

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