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Mahboob Ali
Asif Ali
Abdul Qadeer Khan Sadiq
Faraz Khan
Nadeem Hassan
Yaseen Bhatti


Femoral neck shaft angle, anteroposterior view of pelvis and Mean FNSA.


Objective: To determine the femoral neck shaft angle in a Pakistani population.

Study Design: Cross sectional study

Place and Duration: This Single center study was conducted at JPMC Karachi, a tertiary care center located in Karachi for period of six months.

Methods: The study was conducted by the Department of Orthopedic, JPMC Karachi. Once an eligible patient was identified, the study details were carefully discussed and informed consent attained. A total of 150 patients were selected by Consecutive non-probability sampling technique. After attaining the consent, an anteroposterior view of pelvis with both hip joints was obtained. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 21.0. Mean ± SD was computed for age, height and weight and femoral neck shaft angle.

Results: Total study population of 150 was included, among the study participants n=88 were males (58.7%) and n=62(41.3%) were females; mean age of participants was 41.4 years. The mean femoral neck shaft angle was found to be 129.8 degrees. Mean FNSA in males was 129.5 while in females it was 130 degrees. No significant difference was found between males and females NSA. Thirty participants had NSA of 135 degrees

Conclusion: The next generation of femoral hip stem designs for total hip replacement will benefit from this study. This study found that FNS angles in patients' femurs are changing with age, so a hip stem with a modular neck may be better. Shaft angle of our population to minimize complications like malunion, non-union and cut out leading to increased morbidity and multiple surgeries.

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