Water Fluoridation: Examining the Controversy and Potential Neurotoxicity: A Literature Review

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Dr. Arjun Reddy, Dr. Parth Pandya, Dr. Rajeev Raina, Dr. Sindhoori Harikumar, Dr. Aman Kumar Soni, Dr. Kumari Prabha Gupta


Fluoride, Water Fluoridation, Neurotoxicity


Water fluoridation, a long-debated public health strategy for preventing dental caries, faces renewed scrutiny due to concerns about fluoride's potential neurotoxicity, particularly in children and pregnant women. Studies have raised concerns about safety, particularly in locations with high fluoride levels, by suggesting that too much fluoride exposure during early childhood may damage neurodevelopment.

        Notably, research suggests that fluoride may have an effect on young children's brain development. Studies on animals show that high fluoride exposure causes brain alterations, raising pertinent questions about human health. Epidemiological research produces mixed findings, with some studies suggesting a connection between water fluoridation and neurodevelopmental problems.

      Critics argue current safety standards may not protect susceptible populations from neurotoxic effects. Ethical concerns arise as mass medication through water fluoridation occurs without individual consent.

            In contrast, proponents highlight water fluoridation's success in preventing dental caries, especially in underserved communities. They assert that dental health benefits outweigh potential neurotoxicity risks.

            In conclusion, the water fluoridation-neurotoxicity association remains a subject of ongoing research and debate. While some studies suggest a link, conclusive evidence is lacking, necessitating further research. Balancing potential benefits and risks of water fluoridation while ensuring public health protection is paramount.

            Water fluoridation, a widely practiced public health intervention, has been both praised and contested for decades. This literature review delves into water fluoridation's complex landscape, examining its history, ongoing controversies, and potential neurotoxicity from fluoride exposure. The research's primary aim is to provide a comprehensive, balanced evaluation of current knowledge on the subject

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