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Dr. Poorav Desai
Dr. Rakesh Gohel
Dr. Abhay Dharamsi
Dr. Zankhana Desai
Dr. Veerbhadrappa C


Tonsillitis, Homoeopathy, Well indicated Homoeopathic Medicines, Tonsillectomy, Clinical study


Background: Tonsils are the group of lymphoid tissue found around the oropharyngeal isthmus. They are the most important structures to ensure the self-defense mechanism of the body. The inflammation of the tonsils are called Tonsillitis, having much prevalence in children between the age group of 5 to 15. By Allopathy the tonsillitis is either managed temporary by administering antibiotics or by removed surgically. Homoeopathic medicines are found to be very effective in the management of tonsillitis permanently. It can not only prevent the unindicated surgery of tonsils but also preserve the self-defense mechanism of the body among the children and proven to be a boon for them. This study was taken to ascertain the effectiveness of these indicated homoeopathic medicine in the management of Tonsillitis.

Methodology: Prospective, Open trial, clinical study was conducted in the OPD of Jawaharlal Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital, Limda, Dist. Vadodara. Total 75 samples of pre-diagnosed or cases with clinical presentation of tonsillitis between 5- 45 years of age irrespective of gender were included in the study. Samples were given indicated homoeopathic medicines for Tonsillitis.

Results: Homoeopathic medicines namely, the Merc Sol, Kali Bich, Belladonna, Hepar sulph, Phytolacca, Bar. Carb, Lachesis, Siliecea, Lac Can, Calc Carb, Lyco and Nit Acid were found to be indicated medicines in the management of tonsillitis.

Conclusion: In this study Homoeopathic Medicines were found very effective in the treatment of tonsillitis.

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1. Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons of some of the leading remedies of materia medica -by h.c. Allen
2. Homoeopathic materia medica – William boericke, m.d.
3. A dictionary of practical materia medica-j.h clarke
4. Lotus materia medica-by robin murphy
5. Materia medica of homoeopathic medicines-by dr.s.r phatak.