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Jaspal K Surinder
Kaur Tejinder


Coping, family functioning, caregivers


Aims: Family nursing practice is evolving area of Nursing and continuous to be significant aspect of health care. The purpose of this study was to develop and determine the effectiveness of family intervention package on coping and family functioning of cancer care providers.

Methodology: Quantitative approach and quasi experimental research design was considered on sample size of 30 caregivers selected by convenience sampling technique from selected hospital. Standardized tools were used to collect data. Psychoeducation sessions delivered to experimental group.

Results: In experimental group, Mean pre coping score (50.07±14.88) increased to (74.93±11.53) post intervention 1 and (88.20±9.72) post intervention 2, Mean pre family functioning score (2.64±0.48) reduced in post intervention 1 (2.02±0.39) and post intervention 2 (1.34±0.26). In control group, mean pre coping score (43.33±7.70) increased to (59.53±9.09) post intervention 1 and (68.00±10.17) post intervention 2, mean pre family functioning score (2.86±0.53) reduced in post intervention 1 (2.61±0.42) and post intervention 2 (2.04±0.34). (p<0.05)

Conclusions: Family intervention package was effective in enhancing coping and family functioning of caregivers.

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