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Mohammed Abaalkhayl
Hani Al-Najjar
Ahmad Kamal Ragab
Modhi Alghasham


anesthesia, patient satisfaction, acute pain, postoperative nausea and vomiting



Patient satisfaction in healthcare setting it is like a balance between pre care expectations, and after care experience. In our study we sought to analyze the patient’s satisfaction pre‑ and post‑operative as well as overall impression in Academic Tertiary Hospital.


Cross Sectional Study, the survey was undertaken among the patient's undergoing surgery in Qassim University Medical City. The questionnaire built by the research team  


The response rate of the study was 98.1% and with total of 411 agreed to participate out of 419 patients received the questioner. As Overall patient satisfaction toward Anesthesia Experience in our hospital was 95% with surprising result showed that the male overall satisfaction was 99% in comparing to females 89% and significant (P < 0.001).


The paranesthesia orientation and discussion led better understanding to the patients about the expected postoperative expectations and management.

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