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Priya nagar
Deepanshu kumar
Anjali kumari
Piyush Mittal


Pharmacoeconomics, Adverse Drug reaction, Adverse events, Surgery ADRs


Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are frequently underreported. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a severe health hazard that leads to avoidable patient burden and hospital admissions; hence pharmacovigilance education is critical. Only a few educational initiatives have long-term benefits on healthcare personnel' understanding of pharmacovigilance and adverse event reporting. Our healthcare practitioners of the future should develop a sufficient set of pharmacovigilance skills in order to rationally prescribe, distribute, and monitor medications. This study is being carried out to irrational use of medications of various classes in surgery department which can cause unexpected and life- threating adverse drug reactions and noxious events. Due to that adverse drug reaction or noxious events the stay of the patient in hospital gets prolonged which can make him/her suffer the unexpected financial burden.

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