Developing Sciatic nerve compression model in rats using aneurysm clip and validating it by histological and behavior studies

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Nazish Waheed
Zilli Huma
Noman Ullah Wazir
Fatima Daud
Saima Mumtaz
Sara Ishaq


Aneurysm Clip Compression, Sciatic Nerve Injury


 Aim: The aim of the study was to develop sciatic nerve compression model in rats using aneurysm
clip And to validate compression injury by histological examination and behavior testing
Study design and duration: experimental animal model
Methodology: The study included 16 healthy Sprague Dawley rats weighing 250 to 300 gm. The rats
were divided into two groups. Each group comprised of 4 male and 4 female rats. Sham group animals
were given only skin incision while in control group rats’ sciatic nerve injury was induced in right
limb under isoflurane anesthesia with an aneurysm clip having a force of 0.6 N. Animals were
observed on day 0, 1 and 7 for behavior changes
Results: On histological and behavior examination the animals showed marked changes in crush
injury group. On microscopy of tissue after H & E staining clearly evident injury was seen with
discontinuity in architecture of nerve and macrophage infiltration at the site of application of
aneurysm clamp. Animals in Injury group showed marked mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia and
cold allodynia as compared to sham group.
Conclusion: The evident histological alterations supported by the behavior changes in the injury
group confirm that the aneurysm clip model is a valid, self-effacing and easily reproducible method
to induce sciatic nerve injury in rats with uniform force application for experimental studies.

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