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Kupriyanov Sergey Vladilenovich
Mohammad Alhasan
Uchterova Nadezhda Dimitrievna


vascular reflexogenic zone, vertebral artery, cardiorespiratory system, ozone, ozonetherapy


We examined the effects of ozonated saline infusion into the hemodynamically isolated segment of vertebral arteries on cardiorespiratory reflexes in anesthetized cats. This intervention elicited concomitant reflex responses, such as systemic hypotension and respiratory depression. These cardiorespiratory inhibitory effects were specific to the initial perfusion with ozonated solutions.

Subsequent infusions of ozonated saline into the same isolated segment of vertebral arteries induced variable reflex responses of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. These responses were either bidirectional or biphasic, with a predominance of a hypertensive response. These modifications were related to the nonspecific adaptive effects of ozone exposure.

Under the conditions of Novocain blockade of vertebral artery chemoreceptors, all the reflex responses were abolished. This confirmed their reflexogenic origin. Therefore, the effects of ozone exposure, similar to any other pharmacological agent used for therapeutic purposes, depend on its concentration in the organism. Ozone exposure exhibits both a local humoral effect, extensively documented in the literature, and general reflex effects that are demonstrated in this study. These reflex effects are mediated by vascular reflexogenic zones and their respective CNS centers.

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