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Dr. Ankit Bhagora
Dr. Ajit Kumar Roat
Dr. Kavita Pannikar
Dr. Baranda Brijesh Kumar
Dr. Abhishek Bhagora


Nutritional status, Anganwadi, Tribal, Urban, Rural


Background: Health is the state of complete social, physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of human beings. In Children, the role of Nutrition and status of Health plays a pivotal role in the physical growth, emotional and mental development of children and it is emphasized to provide optimal nutrition to the children, particularly in the early years of life. Immunization not only reduces morbidity and mortality from potentially infectious diseases but also interrupts disease transmission in the community.

Methodology: Facility based cross sectional study to compare the nutritional status of children attending Anganwadi centers in urban, rural and tribal areas of Udaipur district through two stage sampling technique.

Results: Severely underweight children was maximum from tribal area (11.7%) followed by rural (9.6%) and urban side (7.5%). Stunted children was from tribal side (18.3%) followed by 15.4% from rural side and 11.5% urban side. Wasted children were from tribal side (24.2%) followed by 20.5% in rural and 15.5% in urban.

Conclusion:  Under-nutrition is more in tribal and rural than urban children. Improvement in diet related aspects at Anganwadis can be done by appropriate information about the means of livelihood, education and good health of parents. It requires a strong political will and sustainable efforts of the community, the policy makers and implementing agencies.

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