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Sanjana Halder
Srijoni Chowdhury
Saswata Biswas
Swaralipi Misra
Manas Kumar Saha
Joyeeta Mondal
Sunanda Ghosh
Shailasree Sinha
Abhishek Rajakumar


Keywords: Adolescent, Adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, Socio-demographic factors, Teenage pregnancy


Introduction: Early childbearing is associated with various health risks for both mother and child. Teenage mothers are more likely to experience pregnancy related complications. Worldwide 11% of all births occur during adolescent age and these complications in pregnancy are the second most leading cause of death among the adolescent girls, aged 15-19, globally. Adolescent fecundity has become the most decisive bio-demographic and health indicator of development, NFHS data and sustainable development goal too. After several years of specific public investments in reducing fertility among teenagers though research, policy, services, and education the expected changes in teenage fertility and reproductive journey are to be linked now with corresponding changes in the social, cultural, ideological and economic conditions. . Hence, the present study aims to find out the incidence and to evaluate the various complications associated with teenage pregnancy in a rural population with high rate of early marriage and teenage fertility.

 Materials  & methods: Our study was a hospital based retrospective cross- sectional study of maternal, foetal & neonatal outcome & mode of delivery of teenage mothers delivering in a tertiary medical college. Data was retrieved from hospital records. The study population will consist of 500 teenage mothers delivered in DHGMCH over the study period of Nov 2020- Nov 2021 to study labour events, incidence of caesarean section and instrumental delivery with their indications and incidence of post partum complications and SNCU admission.

Results: In our study 90 % was primigravida as well was 3 teenage mothers had 2 previous child. Among teenage mothers 52 % were Muslim. About 19% mothers had anaemia.39 % teenage mothers delivered by LSCS and 23.2% had preterm delivery.15 % had prolonged labour.In our study population 15 % developed PIH. Among the babies born to teenage mothers 30% were LBW & 28 % needed SNCU admission.

Conclusion: In our study it is evident that too-early childbearing negatively impacts the survival of newborns & adolescent mother. Complications like maternal under-nutrition, PIH, preterm delivery and low birth weight babies is not higher in teenage mothers of our study compared to national data .Cesarean section rate is considerably high along with admission rate of newborn in our neonatal unit but it is consistent to institutional rate of overall patient profile.


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