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Urusia Parveen
Fatima Saeed
Sumbul Khan
Sakshi Bhtnagar
Shivangi Sharma


Body mass index, waist-hip ratio, waist circumference, 6 minute walk test, diabetes mellitus



 Background; Functional fitness is defined as the development of functional training began with rehabilitation. This method is frequently used by chiropractors, physical and occupational therapists, and patients with movement impairments. Body mass index (BMI) 30 kg/m2 is used to determine obesity, which is described as an abnormal or excessive fat buildup that may be harmful to one's health. The six-minute walk distance (or 6MWD) is a widely used indicator of functional exercise capacity in both clinical practice and academic research. Performance assessments, such the six-minute walking test (6MWT), can reveal the restrictions in the cardiovascular and motor systems underlying the obesity-related disability

Methodology; This  study  was  a observational study  in which  within  subject  design  was  used. The  height , weight, BMI, hip waist  circumference  were  recorded  after  this  subjects  were  asked  to perform plank for 30 seconds and, then  subjects were  asked  to  perform  6  min  walk test and  it  was  recorded. The data were analyzed by MS excel 2010 data analysis tool pack, excel analysis tool pack 2019. The dependent variables were summarized by mean , standard deviation , and the independent variables summarized by percentage and age is summarized by mean value.

Conclusion; In conclusion, according to the results of this study, core balance and flexibility are associated with abdominal obesity the most among the women  elderly population. Other muscular strength performances had   limited effects on abdominal obesity. Development of muscle strength in the elderly people should be emphasized and encouraged to maintain their functional abilities.

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