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Tanu Gupta
Prabhakar Gupta
Surbhai Duggal
Vinay Yadav




Purpose: Dental implants are being used as abutments in implant-assisted removable partial dentures (IARPD) in an increasing number of clinical findings. We evaluated IARPD as a unilateral mandibular distal extension denture using three-dimensional in nature finite element analysis. In particular, the abutment tooth, denture, and tissue supporting the denture were evaluated for mechanical impacts of implant position and abutment height. Methods: The models used for analysis were prosthetically restored first and second molars, as well as the second premolar, on the left side of the mouth. One implant was used for each tooth position. There were two abutment heights: one that was the same as the mucosa and the other that was 2 mm higher. Six different models were built.

Results-Mobility of the abutment tooth was less for implants positioned distally to the abutment tooth than for those positioned medially to the abutment tooth for mucosal-level abutments. The displacement of the abutment tooth was less for implants placed medially to the abutment tooth than for those placed distally to the abutment tooth with raised abutments.

Conclusions: In relation to implant abutment height, the mechanical effects on abutment teeth at the same implant site varied.

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