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Dr. Nagoba Shivappa N.
Miss Dhole Shital M.
Dr. Vijayendra Swamy S. M.


Psidium Guajava Linn, Rosmarinic acid, Glycosides, Radical scavenging


The aim of present study is quantitative investigation of pharmacognostic phytochemicals and in-vitro radical scavenging and therapeutic potential of P. guajava. Fruits of P. guajava  have no of reported pharmacological activities such as anti-diarrheal, anti-hypertensive, anti-lipidemic, anti-cancer, etc. To know the actual fact about these actions this research has been conducted. Selected fruits undergone for evaluations of various pharmacognostic parameters. Standardization of fruit powder has done by loss on drying (6 %), total ash value (2.50%), acid insoluble ash (2.8 %), water insoluble ash (3.6 %) and extractive value for ethanol  (80.42%). Preliminary phytochemical screening done on ethanolic extract shows the presence of active phytoconstituents like glycosides, phenols, flavonoids, tannins etc. The extract was subjected to quantitative determination for total phenolic content by Folin- Ciocalteau method (500ug/ml) which shows maximum concentration of phenols i.e. 51.06 mg/GAE/g; flavonoids content by Aluminum Chloride Colorimetric method (1mg/ml) gives 41.10 mg/QC/g which is maximum conc. of flavonoids. And In-vitro radical scavenging potential has checked by DPPH method, and Nitric Oxide method, (1mg/ml) sample concentration shows 16.49 % and 45.56 % radical scavenging activity respectively. The phenolic compound found rich in white guava. Different study shown that the phenolic compound Rosmarinic acid possesses more antioxidant potential than Vitamin E and helps to relief from stress, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s, cancer, cardiac disease, inflammation, etc.

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