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Mg. Ucañani Ascue Nancy Elizabeth
Mg. Aida Valer Contreras
Dr. Jesus Alejandro Arenas Fernández Dávila
Mg. Rocío Cabrera Cuentas
Dr. Marlon Joel Silva Huamán


B-Learning, Dentistry, Pandemic, Blended learning, Hybrid learning


Initially the article referred to B-Learning in Dentistry in time of Pandemic has as objective: To describe how the B-Learning contributes to the development of Dentistry in time of Pandemic, Having as method of analysis the deduction, through a basic research because it will help to contribute to the knowledge, not experimental of transversal cut, which will apply a survey to the students of dentistry of a particular university of Cusco, to be processed in the SPSS - 25 this has as results:  it can be indicated that 35 students always and almost always do group work and find information on the web, the tools of the teacher's environment almost always use B - Learning for their classes, which are corroborated by the students themselves and can indicate that almost always the teacher is immersed in teaching using virtual platforms Discussion: the authors reviewed corroborates the data obtained where the student interaction with the teacher was more intense indicating that there is an adaptation of the teachers with the students when using virtual tools such as virtual platform B - Learning.

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