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Vaishnavi Sahni
Ashwani Kumar


IARC- International Agency of Research on Cancer, ICD-International Classification of Diseases, CL- Colorectal Incidence, ICRCSN- International Colorectal Cancer Screening network, FOBT- Fecaloccult Blood Test, G-FOBT- Guaiac Based test, IMB- Immunological Based Test, CRC- Colorectal Cancer


As a species, humans have a keen awareness of their own well-being and material comforts. Everyone on Earth values their health and wishes they had access to timely medical care for any illness that could threaten it. Today, the illnesses we've been talking about are some of the most widespread in the world. If not caught and treated in time, cancer may spread rapidly, sometimes in a matter of minutes every day.

Cancer is an incurable illness characterized by the unchecked division and development of abnormal cells.  Following is an outline of the key points in this article, all of which relate to colon cancer. Where cancer comes from, how it develops, how far it may spread, and what forms it can take are all important questions. Second, the molecular basis of colorectal cancer, including the screening of this disease, along with various treatments, and the role of genomic and chromosomal instability.

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