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Beatriz Miranda Contreras
María Claudia Abad Hernández
Claudia Kases Gamboa
Nerlis Pájaro Castro


Child Development, Public Health, Child Behavior, Child Health (Descriptores en Ciencas de la Salud)


Conditions involving the family environment, socioeconomic and environmental factors influence the health and development of the individual. This is a quantitative approach study developed in a population of children under 5 years of age from two IPS in the department of Sucre. Among the most outstanding findings is the fact of demonstrating the correlation in the biological determinants, specifically in the variables of age and BMI. Not being representative other determinants in which correlation was found as environmental determinant and lifestyle determinant. It is concluded that age has a notable influence on the development of fine and gross motor skills in almost similar percentages. Also, BMI affects both gross and fine motor skills in children.

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